½ Cup Roasted Beets, Diced
¼ Cup Goat Cheese
A few dashes of truffle oil
¼ Cup Chopped Greens (microgreens are my favorite, but in the summer, use what’s fresh and chop it very finely!)
A tablespoon of crushed pistachios
Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper
Roast your beets*. Dice the beets into the smallest cubes you can manage. In a small bowl, combine your goat cheese and truffle oil, along with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Spread goat cheese into a layer (~4 inches round) on a small plate and top with crushed pistachios.
In another bowl, mix together your roasted beets, a long dash of olive oil and a dash of truffle oil, salt and pepper. Carefully spoon the diced beets over top of your goat cheese.
Now carefully add your greens over top of the beets, sprinkle with a few cracks of black pepper. Serve immediately.
* Roasting beets can be done as far as 3-4 days in advance and you can keep the roasted beets in the fridge, refer to Week #2 for instructions. I like to roast and bake things like beets and sweet potatoes early in the morning while it is still cool outside and keep them in the fridge for a quick weeknight reheat.