Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) creates a relationship with Your farmer, the land, and your local community.
CSA is a way to directly support and purchase from a farmer in your community.
By signing up for our CSA in the Spring, you will receive weekly boxes of organic vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs and meat throughout the growing season (May through November).
Boxes are delivered to local pick-up sites on Tuesday afternoons.
Each week, the CSA box will be accompanied by an e-mail newsletter full of stories, photos and information from the farm along with recipes, links, storage tips, and vegetable descriptions to help you use your bounty. Members are also invited to farm events throughout the season and given access to a private Facebook group for sharing recipes, ideas and questions with one another.
If you are new to CSA (or even just new to our farm), there’s a lot to learn so keep on scrolling to learn what's included in a CSA membership with Winterfell Acres!
What is included in a CSA membership?
Fresh, certified organic, seasonal produce in three different weekly share sizes: Nibble, Picnic and Feast. Plus add-on shares like organic chicken, flowers, herbs and fall CSA boxes.
You should expect a steady supply of staple produce such as beans, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. as well as a few yummy but less-well-known vegetables such as kohlrabi, radicchio and yellow watermelon.
We aim for at least one of the following per week plus extra items (6-12 total each week): 1 allium per week (onion, garlic, leek, etc.), 1 fresh eating/snack-type veggie per week (peas, carrots, peppers, cherry tomatoes, etc.), 1 salad green per week (mesclun mix, kale, chard, etc.) and 1 cooking veggie per week (beets, potatoes, turnips, etc.).
A weekly newsletter including many recipes and tips to make the most out of each week's delivery as well as a farm update for that week. Expect a weekly read of the unique and wonderful musings and ravings about farm life from Farmer Beth!
Opportunities to order extra produce throughout the season for preservation.
Invitation to private CSA member-only farm events
Discounts on our homestead workshops
Access to a CSA member-only Facebook group and a CSA web app
Relationship with your farmer and the Land that grows your food!
Picnic Summer CSA Share from July 2017
I’ve done a CSA through a larger place a couple hours away, and sampled a box from a different farm that does drop off at my workplace (coworker was on vacation and let me have it) and like... it always felt super wilted and didn’t last very long before going bad.
I just did something with my first box from last week, and despite being stored poorly in the fridge (I was finishing up at my second job and had no time), everything is still good! Everything! And the radishes are SO DELICIOUS. I haven’t bitten into a radish that peppery in YEARS and I’m bemoaning the terrible, tasteless, waxy radishes I’ve been making do with.
You’re amazing, and I’m so glad I’ve found your farm and CSA. Farming is some hard graft, but I’m hoping you can continue for many years to come. <3”
“I love getting veggies from your farm for many reasons! They are fresh and in season! I also know what kind of growing practices you have! I am confident that you are nourishing the soil so your veggies can nourish us! Eating in season and locally is the best possible way! Organic too of course! Can veggies be pasture raised? If you put loving care into them - that’s how! Your energy and the energy of anyone else who touches them has an effect on us! Happy farmers, happy veggies, happy eaters!
The quality, variety and abundance of your veggies is just marvelous!
The fall share is one of the best deals around too!”
“January 2015 my Dr. gave me a wake-up call on my cholesterol numbers. That reality and the CSA Open House at Monona Terrace was the incentive I needed to give a Winterfell Nibble share a try—turned out to be perfect for me.
I challenged myself to use everything. Trimmings got saved in a bag in the freezer; once a month I made vegetable stock with them for soup base or to make rice with. Nothing was wasted. I enjoyed the rainbow of tomatoes, especially the green heirlooms.
After 6 months of diet and exercise and 20# lighter, my Dr. ordered new labs. She and I were pleased to see my numbers were much better and well within acceptable range.
So my thanks to Winterfell Acres for the wonderful produce, great eating, and improved health I enjoyed this past season because of your efforts. It turned out to be a great first time CSA experience for me.”
“Thank you so much for the corn! As a former Iowans, we know good sweet corn. Yours was exceptional. Perhaps the best we ever tasted; so sweet and the kernels just pop in your mouth. Again thanks. Keep up the good work.”