Basic Breakfast Bacon


  • Enough Basic Bacon Dry Cure to cling to what you’re curing

  • Pork Belly, Loin pieces, or really any piece of whole muscle

  • 2 bus tubs - one with 1/8” wholes drilled in the bottom (10ish holes total)


  • Assemble bus tubs - holey one inside of the unholy one.

  • Add a thin layer of cure into the tubs

  • Put belly/back bacon/meat chunk into tub and lightly add cure to all sides - whatever sticks is enough.

  • Repeat with any amount of meat pieces to cure. I generally fill the bus tub with bellies and stack them.

  • Put bus tub in walk-in cooler or large refrigerator

  • After 5 or so days, rinse off the belly and pat it dry. Hang the belly to dry overnight.

  • Cold smoke the belly intermittently for 2-3 days. I like apple or cherry wood, but this is to your taste.

  • Hang the belly in your kitchen for 5 days.

  • After 5 days, it’ll be at a perfect breakfast bacon quality.

  • The belly will continue to dry over time, so your cooking applications will change. After months it’ll be more firm and best to cube up to start veggie dishes. After a year or 3 it’ll be rock hard and best for grating onto salads.