CUCUMBER LIMEADE (with cocktail options)
By Ana Larramendi
Serves 3-4
An awesomely refreshing treat for a hot, summer day!
2 cucumbers, cut in chunks
1 ½ C. water
7 fresh limes, juiced
¾ C. Agave syrup or sugar
*mint leaves for garnish
Mix the lime juice and sweetener together and stir to dissolve.
Place cucumbers and water in a blender and puree.
Allow the blended cucumber water to steep for about 15-20 minutes, then strain/squeeze out the pulp and add the cucumber water to the lime and agave mixture. This will taste very concentrated, so serve it over a tall glass with lots of ice and garnish with a sprig of mint.
Hey! You went to all that trouble for cucumber limeade--Now make it special!
Cucumber Gin-Fizz! (1 drink)
½ C. Prepared Cucumber Limeade
2 oz. of your favorite Gin
Seltzer or Sparkling water
Mint leaves
In a tall glass filled with ice add the limeade, gin, and a couple of mint leaves. Top with Seltzer. Garnish with mint sprig and a cucumber slice.
Goes down real easy…
Cucumber Margarita! (1 drink)
½ C. Prepared Cucumber Limeade
2 oz. Blanco Tequila
1 oz. Triple Sec (Orange liquor)
Mix together well, pour into an ice filled glass with a salted rim. (If you want to make this a blender Margarita, place the ingredients in a blender with about 4-5 large ice cubes) Garnish with cucumber slice and lime slice.