January Update
"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."
-Albert Camus
These are the days that I long for spring to come so fervently that all I can do is sit and read to distract myself. It's zero degrees out right now and I could see my breathe in our apartment this morning. All the seeds are ordered and delivered, most of all the drip tape, row cover and plastic mulch ordered and the planting schedule is finalized. The only thing left to do is wait. To wait for the Earth to warm up again.
I realized today, after opening our last quart of 2013 maple syrup, that in about a month we will start tapping the trees again! My first thought was, of course, "well I should just have another spoonful then!" But then I thought of the seepy soil beneath my boots as I would walk from tree to tree hand drilling new holes, the warmth of the almost-spring sun on my pale cheeks and that subtle spring smell in the air that requires concentration to notice. Yes I feel ready for spring!
Organizing seed packets to make greenhouse plantings easier.
This is the first of 12 total (hopefullyl!) blog posts for 2014. If I say it outloud, I am more likely to follow through and do one every month, right? My goal with these blog posts are to keep folks informed about the going-ons at the farm and provide some light entertainment for your busy lives. Right now, there is snow, snow and more snow on the farm :) The young goats are getting fat overwintering in the hoop house, the new transplanter has arrived (for Equinox) and all of the seeds wait, quietly for spring.
Looking forward to writing more posts about the farm and supplying fresh produce to special people in my life.